Tag: presentation

ANADP II Part 10: Closing Plenary by Adam Farquhar

Trends and Impact

Farquhar’s (British Library) work has 3 strands: BL team, Planets project, Open PLANETS foundation

  • High-value tech & practitioner exchange, Sustainability New CEO (Ed Fahey)
  • Dataset/Datasite (BL): Research infrastructure & capacity
  • Digital Scholarship: new services, use digital content in new ways.

On to the meeting:

Intellectual honesty is our frame! (Follow the IIPC …

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ANADP II: The Lost Poster

Here it is, in all of its glory. Thanks to Sarah Fraser, our intrepid Grad Assistant, who did the layout and design. She did an excellent job, and it was a shame that our colleagues didn’t get to see it.