POWRR + daily life

With the work of POWRR ended and workshops about our findings continuing, I find myself with no remaining excuses…time to get down to POWRRing on in my own world! May was a busy month for sharing my recommendations. I wrote out the complete thought processes behind my decisions in a recently published case study. And I enhanced my digital collection creation policy to articulate my philosophical foundation for selection and preservation actions. That document is incorporated in our library’s collection plan and so will be regularly reviewed by a library and a campus committee.

POWRR demonstrated that a free and simple tool can help us extract technical metadata and that it folds easily into our regular accessioning workflows. We feel confident that this small but positive step offers some assurances for preparing digital accessions for future preservation storage. I created a flowchart this month to illustrate these steps, and if you look closely you will see they were cropped from a larger picture:

IWU DP flowchart

IWU digital preservation workflow [click to enlarge]

Even at the smallest of institutions, none of us operates in a vacuum. We need to discuss these issues with other people in our workplace. These folks may not be aware of the need for digital preservation let alone how to protect collections without the benefit of full preservation storage and access systems. We addressed this in the POWRR findings, too, and we have handouts and exercises in our workshop to help plan for these conversations. Recently I discovered there might be other questions about what we do.

Last week I began engaging with others on digital collections workflows and I was surprised at the level of interest in and confusion about how I make decisions. The talks we are been having include how we might combine work done in different parts of the library. Our goal is to seek efficiencies where we can, so gaining a deep understanding of what everyone does is a critical first step.

I prepared a detailed document explaining the types of e-records decisions I make from an acquisitions standpoint, but I could tell the discussion wasn’t going well. Why I chose to make some things accessible in some ways over others seemed to the the primary question.

I decided to create a flowchart based on one I found at the University of Utah and that we’ve been mentioning in POWRR workshops. When I sat down to adapt it for a larger collections discussion, it became clear that many decisions I make every day went beyond the scope of the original tool. So to educate my community on how I go from selection to preservation to access, I came up with this flowchart:

IWU archives workflow

Complete IWU archives selection-storage workflow [click to enlarge]

The specific IR and digital library products we use may be different from yours, but maybe this workflow has similarities with yours? I’d love to hear how others are doing these things!

Writing about my plans and talking about my decisions with others helped me understand my own ideas better. It’s quite clear to me that when we get down to doing our work, there will always be something we didn’t think about before. My challenge is to remain open to others’ ideas and experiences as we go on through planning what will work in my institution. So with other departments in my library I will continue to test and explore options for our full collections’ lifecycle. The POWRR project gave me good ground to launch from and the journey continues!

Digital POWRR Workshop in Portland!

On June 30 and July 1, we are conducting a FREE, day-long workshop at Portland State University entitled From Theory to Action: A Pragmatic Approach to Digital Preservation Tools and Strategies. This full-day workshop is made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence. The workshop was created as a result of an IMLS-funded study on identifying practical digital preservation solutions for small- and mid-sized libraries. We will not be addressing the “why” of digital preservation; rather, we are preparing for the “how.”…providing hands-on, practical experience. Attendees will practice the accession of a digital collection using a simple, open source tool; learn about several digital preservation tools and services; and create an institution-specific action plan for making progress towards digital preservation goals.

To learn more and register for the June 30 workshop, go to http://digitalpowrr06302015.eventzilla.net/

To learn more and register for the July 1 workshop, go to http://digitalpowrr07012015.eventzilla.net/

This workshop is co-sponsored by the Northwest Archivists, Inc., (NWA) and the Sustainable Heritage Network (SHN). The POWRR team appreciates their support and generosity. To learn more about NWA, click here. To learn more about SHN, click here.

Registration is limited to 30 participants each day. The same content will be covered each day, so please register for only one day. First priority will be given to members of the Northwest Archivists, Inc., and the Sustainable Heritage Network. If registration exceeds past the 30 participants, please add your name to the waiting list and we will contact you if there are any cancellations or openings. We encourage each institution to send only 1-2 representatives so that we may have a greater number of institutions able to participate.


This workshop is made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence and is generously co-sponsored by the Northwest Archivists, Inc., and the Sustainable Heritage Network.

SAA Campus Case Study

Are you an archivist at a small private college? Are you a Lone Arranger at an academic institution with limited resources? Be sure to check out the “Digital Preservation Strategies at a Small Private College” published this month as part of the Society of American Archivists Campus Case Studies Series. The case study was written by POWRR Team Lead Meg Miner, the University Archivist & Special Collections Librarian at Illinois Wesleyan University. Meg discusses her experiences during the IMLS phase of the POWRR Project through the eyes of a Lone Arranger looking to ensure good stewardship for born digital and digitized institutional records before a complete preservation system is in place.

Way to go, Meg!

The Digital POWRR Project Final Report to IMLS

From 2012-2014, the Digital POWRR Project, an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)-funded study investigated, evaluated, and recommended scalable, sustainable digital preservation solutions for libraries with smaller amounts of data and/or fewer resources. Among the many outcomes of the project include the POWRR tool grid, the POWRR white paper, and a day-long workshop that is still being offered in 2015 and 2016 thanks to a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

We are pleased to announce that the final report submitted to the IMLS is now available! Read about all the activities completed during the project by clicking here.

Register for our workshop in Chicago!

We have about 10 spots left for our first workshop in Chicago! On April 24, 2015, the Digital POWRR team will be conducting a FREE, day-long workshop at Roosevelt University entitled From Theory to Action: A Pragmatic Approach to Digital Preservation Tools and Strategies. This full-day workshop is made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence. The workshop was created as a result of an IMLS-funded study on identifying practical digital preservation solutions for small- and mid-sized libraries. We will not be addressing the “why” of digital preservation; rather, we are preparing for the “how.”…providing hands-on, practical experience. Attendees will practice the accession of a digital collection using a simple, open source tool; learn about several digital preservation tools and services; and create an institution-specific action plan for making progress towards digital preservation goals.

To register for this workshop and learn more, go to http://digitalpowrr04242015.eventzilla.net

This workshop is cosponsored by the Black Metropolis Research Consortium (BMRC). The POWRR team appreciates this organization’s support and generosity. To learn more about the BMRC, click here.

The workshop is limited to 30 participants. First priority will be given to members of colleges in the Black Metropolis Research Consortium. If registration exceeds past the 30 participants, please add your name to the waiting list and we will contact you if there are any cancellations or openings. We encourage each institution to send only 1-2 representatives so that we may have a greater number of institutions able to participate.

This workshop is made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence and is generously sponsored by the Black Metropolis Research Consortium.

neh_50_logo_2color (1)

DA:MT Tutorial

Back in October, we announced the new reporting tool for DataAccessioner was ready for download. The DA Metadata Transformer (DA:MT) tool was developed by Seth Shaw to transform the raw XML output from DataAccessioner into .csv and HTML files so that they are much easier to read. Many people had asked for documentation to provide more detailed instructions on how to use the tool. We are pleased to announce that a document has been created that provides instructions and screenshots for using this reporting tool to aid in preservation processing.

DAMT Tutorial

Data Accessioner and Data Accessioner Metadata Transformer will be updated from time to time. You can keep up with the latest updates here. You can download DA:MT and learn more here.

Phase Two of POWRR: Extending the Reach of Digital Preservation Workshops

The Digital POWRR Project (Preserving digital Objects with Restricted Resources) is pleased to announce the continuation of the POWRR workshops for the next two years. The project, From Theory to Action: Extending the Reach of Digital POWRR Preservation Workshops, has been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Celebrating 50 years of Excellence. The grant will allow the POWRR Project to update, develop, and present a minimum of six workshops on digital preservation for archivists, librarians, and other cultural heritage professionals, aimed particularly at those from small and medium-sized institutions.

The Digital POWRR Project began as an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)- funded grant study to explore practical and pragmatic solutions to digital preservation at under-funded institutions. During the course of our study, Digital POWRR Project team members realized that many information professionals felt overwhelmed by the scope of the problem. This prevented them from moving forward with implementing digital preservation activities. We found that digital preservation is best thought of as an incremental, ongoing, and ever-shifting set of actions, reactions, workflows, and policies. We can start performing digital preservation activities by taking small steps to prioritize and triage digital collections, while working to build awareness and advocate for resources.

We prepared a workshop curriculum based off these findings and presented it to several groups of information professionals as part of the project’s dissemination phase. Much to our surprise, the registration for these workshops filled up quickly and created a long waiting list of eager professionals trying to get into the workshops. Towards the end of the project, organizations of information professionals were still reaching out to team members in hopes to bring the workshop to their area. With the funds of the newly awarded grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities Division of Preservation and Access, the workshop can continue providing practical, hands-on solutions to begin digital preservation practices that meet the demands of the information professionals from small and under-funded institutions.

Over the course of the next two years, the POWRR Preservation Workshops will conduct a minimum of six workshops across the country. We will collaborate with regional organizations of information professionals, which will allow us to emphasize outreach to medium-sized and smaller institutions. These organizations will also help us promote the workshops. Should demand permit, the workshops could be repeated back-to-back on subsequent days at each location. Institutions are encouraged to send a single representative in order to maximize the reach to various institutions. The POWRR Project will also have a limited number of travel bursaries available to individuals in need of assistance traveling to the workshops.

Check back here for updates and to see if a workshop is coming to your area!


Webinar Highlighting the Digital POWRR White Paper

The POWRR White Paper was highlighted during a recent DuraSpace Hot Topic webinar.  One of the presenters was Liz Bishoff, the principal partner of the Bishoff Group LLC.  Liz is also a member of the POWRR Advisory Board.
DuraSpace offers several excellent webinars free of charge on topics ranging from Digital Preservation Planning to Research Data Management Support to Managing and Preserving Audio and Video in your Digital Repository. The POWRR team found the folks at DuraSpace to be very responsive and helpful as we conducted our research and piloted their cloud-based preservation service, DuraCloud.”

Discussion on the Outcomes of the Digital POWRR Project

Take a look at this opportunity to hear members of the POWRR Team discuss the trials, tribulations, victories, and the future of the Digital POWRR Project.

“The NDSA Infrastructure working group invites you and your colleagues to a call on the outcomes of the Digital POWRR project. In keeping with our ongoing series of conversations, you can expect about half the call to be a presentation and the other half to be time for conversation and discussion.

Title: The Digital POWRR Project: What we discovered, what we did about it, and what still needs to be done.

Abstract: Lynne M Thomas and Jaime Schumacher will discuss the outcomes of this IMLS National Leadership Grant project, outline those deliverables that were particularly well-received by the community, identify gaps that have yet to be addressed, and, with the project end-date approaching, seek guidance on the transfer of project-created products that should be maintained and cultivated for the benefit of the wider community.

When: November 18, 2014 at 2pm ET

Call in #: 877-299-5123″

Preservation processing update

DataAccessioner developer Seth Shaw just sent a tool to help with reports analysis. He says he wants to get feedback on a simple report transformation (from .xml to .csv) tool first. After that, he’s going to add a way to aggregate the data from the .csv into size by type of file, etc. within the DataAccessioner.

He’s created a DA-branded version of his XSLTProcessor and named it the DA Metadata Transformer (DA-MT; see image below). You can download it @ http://dataaccessioner.org/downloads/da-mt/da-mt.zip

With this tool, you can copy in the XML output if DataAccessioner and receive a .csv file that can be opened in Excel. Once in Excel, sorting to identify file types and size-per-type is possible.

Screen shot of DA-MT interface; download at http://dataaccessioner.org/downloads/da-mt/da-mt.zip

Screen shot of DA-MT interface; download at http://dataaccessioner.org/downloads/da-mt/da-mt.zip

He wants us to note:
1) Although the download is available he hasn’t yet created any documentation or links to it from within the DA website. There’s no firm time on completion at this point.
2) The original processor’s code is on GitHub (https://github.com/seth-shaw/XSLTProcessor) however it retains the original general purpose text. At the suggestion of some POWRR partners, he changed existing labels on the processor and created a “branded language file” that is included on GitHub but it requires a manual process after building to make the change.
3) An example of the general-purpose use is for mass-producing HTML or other versions of finding-aids from EAD. Most EAD transformation tools use the same process as the DA-MT. Your sources are the EAD files and the transforms are the “stylesheets” (xsl or xslt).

Where this all fits in my DP workflow: I use DataAccessioner to capture technical metadata as I move files from transfer media to my as-yet non-bit-level storage device. I use DA-MT to aggregate the file information from xml to something I can understand: file types, quantities and sizes by type. I store the aggregate information in my regular accession files (currently a spreadsheet). My accession information and an Access copy are in a different hard drive from the Master copy and XML. Some day, I will move the accessions with content I think is most at-risk (due to format or other unique attribute) into a bit-checking storage environment.

In keeping with the POWRR motto of “good enough DP for real people,” this workflow costs me no money, no technical expertise (beyond downloading Java and two processing files via ZIP) and very little extra time.

With DA, I am capturing all the recommended technical information for use by a back-end preservation system. With DA-MT I can track growth rate of digital content overall, make a case for purchasing better storage, and keep an eye on where all the at-risk file types are in the interim.

Another way to think of this workflow? I know a healthful diet includes a lot of leafy greens. Even though I can never remember the vitamins in each type of vegetable, I know they are there and they are good for me!

So put DA and DA-MT into your workflow for the long term health of your DP program!