POWRR Professional Development Institutes for Digital Preservation
Since its inception in 2012, the Preserving digital Objects With Restricted Resources (Digital POWRR) Project has endeavored to make digital preservation more accessible to a wider range of professionals.
From 2015-2016, the Digital POWRR Project utilized grant funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities to continue to develop and refine the day-long POWRR workshop. The success of the workshop led to the initial “POWRR Professional Development Institutes for Digital Preservation” grant (2017-2019), which enabled project staff to organize and hold five two-day professional institutes. These events enabled librarians and archivists from small and mid-sized institutions to build skills for curating and preserving digital collections. Utilizing an application process, 30 individuals were selected to attend each POWRR Institute, resulting in a total of 150 individuals between the five events. Institutes were offered free of charge, with financial assistance available to participants with need, and incorporated hands-on technical training, engagement with institutional case studies, and one-on-one consultation with expert practitioners drawn from the digital preservation field. Institutes utilized a modified cohort model to encourage attendees to form communities of practice. Attendees departed the Institutes with a personalized and actionable preservation plan that enabled them to take action upon returning to their institutions.
Although the team took time off from in-person training events during the early pandemic, funding was secured from the National Endowment for the Humanities for a new round of Institute events starting in 2023. Please see the following news release for further information. We will share details on the five events as well as application instructions and timetables on our “Upcoming Institutes” page.
Contact us (digital.powrr.workshops [at] gmail.com), or @DigitalPOWRR on Twitter.